Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia can come as a shock for someone who exercises often and eats a well balanced and healthy diet. The medical field is not clear on what causes it, however they do know that it affects the muscles, soft tissue and creates symptoms such as pain, fatigue, restless sleep and sensitive joints.
Anyone who suffers from this ailment knows firsthand how painful it can be. Getting a full body massage or overexerting physical activity can leave one feeling sore for months.However, it is recommended and suggested that extremely light exercise continue to be performed at a minimum of three days per week. Everyone's fitness level is different and one must experiment to find what works best for them.
The Top Three
1. Yoga
2. Water Aerobics
3. Bodybuilding
Yoga offers slow body movement and gentle stretching and the positions can be modified and adjusted to individual fitness levels. Starting with just 15 minutes a day, or every other day, depending on how sore the muscles are afterwards is a good way to begin.

Water Aerobics allows the body to move slowly under water and build muscle from the resistance. The exercises are effective and gentle on sensitive joints. However, one with Fibromyalgia needs to take it easy when beginning this exercise routine and make sure that they do not overexert the body movements since most of these classes last around 30- 45 minutes.
Bodybuilding may seem as a no, no for those who suffer from chronic muscle pain, however the truth is that the benefits of weight lifting are enormous. When engaging in this form of exercise, start with 1lb weights and only work out for about 10-15 minutes two to three times per week. Depending on one's fitness level, work up to 15 minutes using 5lb weights and slowly increase each week.With Fibromyalgia it is important to increase protein intake to help build up the muscle being torn down. Make sure you wear comfortable workout clothing and are fully hydrated. Also, do not push yourself. Listen to your body before you listen to anyone else, or you could worsen your symptoms.
As with any exercise routine, consult your doctor before you begin.
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